7 Things Successful People Do Before 7am

How to make your morning routine better

When deciding to revive my YouTube channel I chose two series that I thought would be interesting to viewers but also fun to do and helpful in my own life. In my first video for one series “I try it so you don’t have to” I chose a successful morning routine for my first challenge. It seems like many of the emails I receive have advice on at least one of these topics: what successful people do and what morning routine sets us up for success. I chose three articles from a variety of sources and set out to follow these morning routines every weekday for one week.

7 things that successful people do before 7am

I chose an article by Travis Bradberry from Forbes magazine’s website to base this challenge on. Bradberry lists 7 things that “wildly successful” people do before 7am in his article:

  1. Drink lemon water
  2. Exercise
  3. Do not spend too much time on social media and email
  4. Eat a healthy breakfast
  5. Practice mindfulness
  6. Set goals
  7. Say “no”

I used two additional sources, the Power of Positivity Blog and this Mind Body Green article. All of these articles (and the thousands more that come up if you google “morning routine”) have similar tips that involve taking care of our body and our mind.

Being mindful in the morning sets the tone for your day

We have all experienced mornings where we are running late, we rush around, we forget things, we may or may not remember to grab something for breakfast on the way out the door – plus easy to grab items such as processed granola bars, pop tarts, even protein bars that are advertised as being healthy typically contain sugar which will lead to a crash when blood sugar drops. The day that follows after a morning like this one is usually not our greatest, happiest, most productive day. Our mood is likely negative, we might snap at coworkers or family members, we probably find it hard to concentrate on our work, this is not the kind of day that anyone enjoys!

What I want from my day is what I want from my life

When I was thinking about this topic, I think that what most of us want from our day is what we want from our life, we want to be happy, productive, successful, and to find enjoyment in what we do. These are certainly the things I would like to experience in my day and they are also the things that I hear clients say time and time again: I want to be happier. I want to be more successful. How do I find a way to enjoy my weekdays? How do I make my day happier?

I created a morning routine that is sustainable for me

What works best for your morning routine is going to depend both on who you are and what you are trying to achieve. I did the following things for one week and have been able to successfully continue them because I found them all to be helpful.

  • I go to bed early and get 8 hours of sleep, give or take.
  • I try not to get up when the alarm goes off and not snooze the alarm
  • I drink half a fresh lemon squeezed into 8-10 ounces of water
  • I then drink coffee and watch the local news because this is a part of my morning that I enjoy
  • I check my email and social media but am mindful not to get “sucked in” or spend too much time there
  • I work out
  • I meditate
  • I eat a healthy breakfast high in protein

Things recommended for a morning routine that I don’t do

I have been unable to remember to set a goal for the day but that is something I am working on. While I am focused on long-term goals I frequently forget to set one or an intention for the day that is not vague. I meditate, but I forget to pick specific things that I am grateful for so I have chosen to make that a part of my evening routine. I purchased this Gratefulness Journal from Amazon for myself and several friends it is very simple, two pages per week with space to write down what you are grateful for. I enjoy looking back over the day to pick out the specific things and people that I am grateful for from that day.

For all the details on how this challenge went, watch my YouTube video above!

What about you?

Do you have a morning routine that works for you? Have you tried the ideas mentioned in these articles? Do you have suggestions in addition to these? Comment and let me know!


Stacey Aldridge, LCSW is a therapist
in the Jackson, MS area.  If you would like to
schedule an appointment to see Stacey
in Canton, MS or Vicksburg, MS please call
(769) 224-4234

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